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White Bird Reviews

White Bird Reviews

Many thanks to everyone who has taken the time to submit a review of The White Bird book.

If you would like to submit a review for publication please email Paula Denby at


‘The White Bird by Eirlys is a very provocative
and poignant piece of art, poem and story
combined…that asks the question, should I,
could I, be doing more?’
Adrian Rooke
(Touchstone Magazine)


‘Simple, eloquent and grabs your heart’
Eileen Nauman
(aka. Bestselling author Lyndsay Mckenna)


‘Been reading Paula Denbys lovely book “The
White Bird”. The more I read it the better it
gets … with beautiful abstract artwork’
Steve Rumelhart
(Author of A Druid Ogham Oracle)


‘Paula Denby’s illustrations give the feeling of vibrant light and
infinite space…The White Bird directs the reader to develop their
own understanding of the planet, as well as, for the child reader’

Aida Birch
(Founder of Cheval-Promoting Culture in young people)


‘The White Bird is a heartfelt call to all who feel deep
sadness at the destruction of the Natural World and the
severing of our connection to the Earth Mother. In taking
flight , Paula’s White Bird seeks to heal these wounds’
Philip Carr-Gomm
(Chosen Chief of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids)


‘A beautiful poem, very sad, very important to
what is now happening to us in Japan’
C.W. Nicol
(Founder of the Afan Woodland Trust Japan)